In order to classify the references we made use of a format based on the work of
Smith and Tillema (2001). We made a distinction between two purposes: certification/selection/accountability and development. Nine references were connected to
the first group of goals, while 31 references were classified under the developmental
goal. Fourteen references were connected to both categories. That last observation
shows that in a relatively large amount of studies no clear distinction is made
between certification and development. In other words, formative assessment and summative assessment are often integrated, while it is mentioned that the PDP will have no effect if this distinction is not made Next, the analysis of the selected studies resulted in the following nine clusters of goals.
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Which goals are strived for?
(see Table 5 in the Appendices for a detailed overview):
- (1) professional development
- (2) reflective learning
- (3) providing evidence
- (4) documenting
- (5) certification, selection and promotion
- (6) external mobility
- (7) coaching
- (8) stimulating confidence and
- (9) organizing.
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